Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Struggles Of a New Internet Business

Starting a new business can be a very rewarding task. It can also be a very difficult process to get going, especially in a competitive market like website design and Internet marketing. We offer more than one service, which is good because it leaves more options available, but we make sure that we only offer the services that we are best at. Still even with more than one service being offered, the struggle of getting a good client base established can be a frustrating process.

Even though our business is new, we are not new to the business. Fritz and I have about ten years of experience each in our respective fields. We actually do currently have a lot of website design work because everybody wants a website, but the marketing side of the business is a little slow because not everybody realizes that they need marketing. It's only a matter of time before those with new websites realize that just designing a site, getting a hosting plan, and throwing that site up on a server is just not enough.

Most people in Internet businesses start in a similar way. They focus all their energy and attention on the design of the website. They become so engrossed in the design, look, and feel of the site that they either forget about, or put off the website marketing. I hate to upset all you designers out there, including my partner, but SEO and marketing a website is probably the most important part! Okay, some people may disagree with that statement, but think about it for a minute.

You can have the biggest, flashiest, most beautiful website in the world, but if people can't find it it's useless! I believe my partner Fritz said something about how it's like building a huge, fancy gas station in the middle of the desert with no cars and no roads little to it! There are several other metaphors that I've read on this topic, but they all boil down to the same point. The point is without proper website marketing, you are doomed to fail.

On the other hand you could have an ugly looking site that is poorly designed, poorly laid out, but if it is properly optimized your website could be flooded with traffic and sales. Google-bot and the other search engine robots don't care about how your site looks aesthetically. They care about the coding of the site, the content in that site, high quality links, and several other factors that have nothing to do with beauty.  In business what matters at the end of the day is sales.

Of course we strive to attain a balance between 'beauty' and 'brawn'. I'm using 'brawn' to refer to the positive optimization or the 'muscles' of the site. The 'beauty' of the site is the design layout, the color scheme, the graphics, the navigation, and the overall 'feel' of the website. The end goal is to have a website that is has a professional appearance, is easy to navigate, and ranks well for its' important keywords or key-phrases rather.

We anticipate to have a steadily increasing amount of marketing work as our business matures. Many businesses struggle in their beginning, but those struggles don't have to last long. In this economy some businesses may have a harder or slower time getting off the ground than normal. However, in the long run determination, perseverance, and hard work will always conquer no matter what the circumstances.

There are always going to be things that are out of our direct control, so it is best to not worry about those things. Focus on what we can control and let everything else fall in place. This is not my first business and probably won't be my last. I have had past success and past failure, but I'm not afraid to admit that. We all learn as we go and it is the failures that teach us the most sometimes.

If you are struggling with a new Internet business or any business for that matter, remember that you are not alone. Your hard work will pay off if you stick to it. The biggest mistake most people make is giving up too early. They start out motivated and let that motivation slowly slip as time takes its' toll and the sales are few and far in-between. I urge all you other entrepreneurs out there to keep at it and follow your dreams! No one can stop you, except for you. If you ever need some business advice or just a fellow entrepreneur to talk with, our lines of communication are wide open. Good luck!

Pensacola Website Design


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